Our publications cover a range of health and social care topics. Recent work has explored experiences of breast screening, perinatal mental health and health inequalities.
Found 45 publications Page 1 of 4
Accessible Information Standard Findings
Read our co-produced, comprehensive report on the Accessible Information Standard (AIS) across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
The report highlights significant gaps in communication support for individuals with disabilities, impairments, and sensory loss, providing actionable recommendations to enhance accessibility in health and social care services.
You can download a PDF of the report in full below, or if you scroll down slightly further you will see accessible formats like easy read, BSL and spoken.View report
Annual Report for Wessex Cancer Alliance 2023/2024. Patient and Public Involvement Steering Group and Network
This report looks back on the previous year’s work of the Patient and Public Involvement Steering Group and Network, identifying successes and also where we need to put more focus. We view reporting in this way as a learning, exercise, reflecting our collaborative relationship with the Alliance.View report
Waiting Times Project: Are people getting the information and advice they need while waiting for hospital treatment?
This report was formed jointly with Involving People and four local Healthwatch, as well as Hampshire and IOW ICS. The project looked at whether people were getting the advice and information they needed while they waited for treatment and whether they would consider treatment at an alternative hospital (a new facility) in Winchester if it was available.View report
Opening the door: What helps and what gets in the way of women seeking maternal mental health support services
This report, for NHS England South East Clinical Delivery Network for Perinatal Mental Health, explores the barriers and enablers in terms of women accessing perinatal mental health support.View report
Opening the door summary: What helps and what gets in the way of women seeking maternal mental health support services
This report summary, for NHS England South East Clinical Delivery Network for Perinatal Mental Health, explores the barriers and enablers in terms of women accessing perinatal mental health support and summarises the full report.View report
A systematic review of people’s experiences of breast screening — Summary 2021
This unique systematic literature review of people’s experiences of breast screening consolidates a significant body of evidence, painting a vivid picture of how people from diverse backgrounds experience and view aspects of the screening process.View report
A systematic review of people’s experiences of breast screening — Full report 2021
This unique systematic literature review of people’s experiences of breast screening consolidates a significant body of evidence, painting a vivid picture of how people from diverse backgrounds experience and view aspects of the screening process.View report
People’s experiences of breast screening—webinar with Dr Andy Pulman
Dr. Andy Pulman introduces the findings from 'A Systematic Review of People’s Experiences of BreastView report
People’s experiences of breast screening webinar slides
Downloadable copy of webinar slides for reference.View report
Wessex voices impact report 2020-2021: Patient, carer and public involvement in the time of covid
This report presents the progress and impact the work of Wessex Voices had during 2020-2021.View report
Wessex Voices impact report 2020–2021: our work with the Wessex Cancer Alliance
This report summarises the progress and impact the work of Wessex Voices has had during 2020-2021 in relation to work with the Wessex Cancer Alliance.View report
People’s experiences during covid-19: Insight to inform the recovery of cancer services
This report provides insight about people's experiences and views of health services during the Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown.View report